The Jabba Chronicles: #1 Jabba and... Parrot

"I am so sad." Jabba moaned. "I have no money and I am skint and I am really poor and I need to make money so I can spend it all on buying some DVDs!"

"I can help you!" Cawked Parrot. Parrot was a fat, ugly, multicoloured bird who liked to peck in people's business because he got off doing that.

"What can I do?" Jabba was desperate! He really needed the money. "I really need the money because I need to go to University about 3 years too late and I need a job at Poundland but I never got it and I need some money because I am like, 21 and I still live with my grandma."

"All you have to do," Squawked Parrot, "Is take some naked pictures of yourself and post them all over the island! I think you are really hot and amazing and did you know that I get off people who are as hot as you?"

Jabba didn't let Parrot finish as he stripped off to reveal his bare flesh.

"Arghhhhh! It burns!!!!" Parrot screamed in a gay, shrill voice and the pain was hurting him, as if all his past demons had come back and kicked him in his tiny nuts.

Parrot died and nobody attended his funeral.

The End.